46 Port Sunlight F. C. A communication was read from the Port Sunlight Club cancelling the match for Saturday on a/c of a Cup Tie Final, the Secretary was ordered to confirm the arrangement to play the Comet F. C. in place thereof. J. Clennell Jos. Clennell having applied for an advance on his prospective Benefit to enable him to purchase a business, it was Resolved to lay the facts of this player's case before the League Management Committee & to ask their permission to pay him £250 on account of the total sum of £500 proposed to be granted to him during next Season. Glasgow Rangers Mr. Wm. Wilton of the Rangers F. C., Glasgow F. C. having intimated that the "Hamilton Academicals" were asking £800 for Miller & Paterson, with an additional amount for the Players. Resolved that the further consideration of the matter be deferred, sending the Liverpool Club's decision regarding these men. The Rangers Club having also intimated that they were prepared to accept offers for the transfer of J. Donnachie, late of Oldham. Resolved that they be offered the sum of £300, that being the amount recently offered to Oldham Athletic for this Player. Annual The Annual Meetings of the Football Meetings Association & the Football League having been fixed for the 2nd June next in London. Ordered that the Chairman & Secretary represent these club at the said Meetings. L'pool F. League Resolved that the Liverpool Football League be granted the use of Goodison Park on Monday evening next, the 24th inst., for their Cup Final. Resolved that the Balfour Institute Club be