43 him, Mr. Wilton be asked to release Donnachie. Resolved that in the event of either of these players being unable to play, Evans be included in team. Director on Gate:- Mr. H. Banks. Entertainment of Resolved that the Lunch to the League League Comee. Committee & others be arranged at the Exchange Station Hotel on Saturday at 1 o'clock & that invitations be sent to the Management Committee individually, the Notts Forest Directors, Mr. J. Catton, two Directors of the Liverpool Club, Messrs Lamont & Lythgoe (L'pool F. A.) E. Edwards ("Echo") C. Slight "(Express") & J. C. Clegg. Admission to The price of admission to the match on match Saturday having been fixed by the League at 1/- (including Tax). Resolved that the charge for the Stands usually priced at 1/3 be 1/6 including Tax, the Shareholders Stand to be 2/4 as usual, with a nominal amount of 1/- inclusive to Shareholders. Also that the Comrades of the war Band be engaged & a request made for a Drum display if possible. M/cter. United F. A. Resolved that Manchester United F. A. be asked for an explanation re their P. C. re Silcock. Lancs. Assocn. Ordered that Dr. Baxter be nominated for re-election as a member of the Lancashire F. A. Council. Children's Resolved that Mr. Wallace Smith be Recn. informed that the Board cannot permit the Children to use the Practice Ground for recreation purposes, it being unfit for such a purpose, & live stock being kept there at present. F. A. Rules The suggested alterations in the F. A. Rules were submitted by the Chairman. Resolved that the same be approved by this