38 St. Sylvesters Resolved that the St. Sylvesters R. C. R. C. School School be allowed to use Goodison Park for their match on Wednesday 14th inst. Wednesday Resolved that the Chairman of the League Wednesday League be informed that owing to the necessity of resting the Ground, we cannot allow them the use of it this Season. Imperio Lisboa Ordered that the Secretary intimate Club to the Imperio Lisboa Club that the Directors cannot see their way to paying them a visit. Players The Players' Union having asked for Union permission to play J. Clennell & A. Grenyer in their benefit match on the 10th inst. Resolved that they be informed that in view of this Club's engagement in the Champion -ship match with Notts Forest, the desired permission cannot be given. Transfers Resolved that the following Transfers of Shares be & are hereby approved & confirmed:- John Stevenson to Thomas Heaton 3 shares 1212 to 1214 Exors of Ben: Kelly to Chas. Carrick 1 share 1057 do. John do. 3 Shares 1678 to 1680 do. George do. 3 do. 1681 to 1683 Emily E. Kelly to Chas. do. 1 do. 1500 Richd. P. Kelly to do. do. 1 do. 1058 Jas. Russell to do. do. 1 do. 1060 all partly paid. Confirmed. W. R. Clayton Chairman 5/5/1919