37 General Meeting, & Cheques for the benefit amounts be then presented to the five players named. League Ordered that the retiring members of the Officials &c. Football League, be nominated by this Club for re-election, viz :- President Mr. J. McKenna Vice do " John Lewis. Management Committee: - Dr. Baxter, & Messrs A. J. Dickinson, and C. E. Sutcliffe. Also that we nominate Mr. W. R. Clayton as Vice - President of the Liverpool County F.A. & Mr. H. Halsall as a member of the Executive Comee. Holden Resolved that a Cheque for £10.10.0 be forwarded to the Tranmere Rovers Club for the "Holden" benefit fund. Sheffield Wed. match Resolved that the proceeds of the match with Sheffield Wednesday be devoted to the Stanley Hospital, & the Saturday Hospital Fund. Injured Players Ordered that Compensation for injury be paid to the following players:- W. Wareing, F. Mitchell & A. Grenyer, they having furnished the necessary medical certificates. "Anderson" case It was reported that Cheque had been received from the League for their proportion of the Law costs re the Anderson Case, £91.13.4. Gate increase Also that the League had fixed the Ground charge for admission to the Match v Notts Forest at 1/- including Tax. West Ham F. C. The Secretary was instructed to inform West & Brighton & Hove F.C. Ham F.C. that we do not require a Goalkeeper & Brighton & Hove Club that we cannot express an opinion as to the abilities &c. of F. Sheldon. Central Resolved that this Club continue their League membership of the Central League, & the Secretary thereof be so informed.