36 Team The team to meet Glasgow Rangers on selected Saturday was selected as follows:- Fern Fort Robinson Brown Maconnachie Grenyer Miller Jefferis Jno. Miller Clennell L. Page. Reserves:- Mitchell, J. Page, Thompson, O. Williams & Rigsby. Director on Gate Mr. H. Banks. Players List of Players on the books at the end of April 1915, with their wages inserted, were submitted & considered. After the elimination of those men whose services it was not desired to retain, & the addition of proposed new players, it was Resolved to leave the further consideration of the matter until the next Meeting. Next Meeting Ordered that the next Meeting of the Directors take place on Monday, the 5th inst., at the Bradford Hotel at 6.30 pm. Clothing Mr. J. G. Davies having raised the question of the defective condition of Players' clothing, the Secretary was instructed to see both J. Elliott & R. McNamara thereon. Scotch Clubs Resolved that Dumbarton F.C. & St. Mirren F.C. be offered the transfer of Galt at £300 & that Clyde F.C. be offered Challoner, Simpson, Stewart, Wright & Nuttall. Also that these players be offered to any other Clubs writing for men. Benefits The League having authorised the payment of benefit money to T. Fleetwood, S. Chedgzoy, F. Jefferis, W. Wareing & A. Grenyer, of sums of £500 each. Resolved that a Smoking Concert be arranged after the termination of the business of the Annual