32 confirmed. Ordered that J. Smith & J. Donnachie play in the Notts Forrest matches. League Resolved that this Board entertain the Committee League Management Committee at Liverpool on the 25th inst. & that the Secretary ask Mr. T. Charnley the Secretary, to ascertain the time most convenient to his Committee. Police The police having refused to supply less Charges than 20 P.C.'s on Bank holiday. Resolved that this number be ordered, but that the Head Constable be asked to revise his charges & put this Club on the same basis as other Clubs. Glasgow Resolved that the net proceeds of the Liverpool Match match with Glasgow Rangers be divided between the St. Dunstan's Fund, & the local fund for Disabled Soldiers & Sailors, it having been agreed to play the first game at Glasgow on the 29th inst. for the benefit of the Rangers Secretary. Next meeting Ordered that the next meeting be held on the 23rd April 1919 at the offices at the Co. at 8.15 pm. Confirmed May 5 1919 W. R. Clayton Chairman