
		v Crewe, away:- Fern
			Blacktin	Pearson
		     Hilton   Mines or Johnson  M. Jones
		  G. W. Jones, McQuarrie  Roberts  Baker  Whitby
		Reserves:- Kelly, Carty.

Director on Gate:- 	Mr. W. R. Clayton

Director to Crewe:-   Mr. E. Green

Next Meeting		Resolved that the next Board Meeting be
		held at the Bradford Hotel, on Tuesday next, the
		15th inst. at 6.15 pm.

League			It being reported that Nottingham Forrest
Management	F. C. intended entertaining the League Management
Comee.		Committee on the 10th proximo at Nottingham
			Resolved that this club also invite the
		members of the said Committee to dine with the
		Directors at Liverpool on the 17th May Next.

North v South		Resolved that Rev. W. R. Clayton represent
Match		this Club at Chelsea on the occasion of the final
		match, North v South on the 14th instant.

Players &		Ordered that tickets for the Inter
"International"	-national Match on the 26th inst. be purchased
		& two presented to each first team player for
		himself & lady.

Glasgow			The Chairman reported his interview with
Rangers		the Glasgow Rangers Secretary in regard to the
		suggested Match with that Club at Walton on
		the 3rd May, & letter was read suggesting that this
		Club play them on the 28th inst. at Glasgow for
		the benefit of the Secretary, the return match to be
		at Liverpool on the 3rd proximo.
			Resolved that the proposal named be
		approved, & that the matches between the two
		Clubs be arranged.
			Resolved further that a strong team be
		sent to Dingle Park to play against South L'pool.