
				[At a Meeting of Directors held
				at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool
				on the 8th April 1919.]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			H. Banks Esq.		J. G. Davies Esq.
			A. Coffey Esq.		R. T. Francis Esq.
			John Davies Esq.	E. Green Esq.
				    H. Halsall Esq.

			The minutes of the proceedings at a meeting of
		the Directors held on the 31st day of March 1919 read
		& confirmed.
			The minutes of the Grounds Committee at a
		Meeting held on the 4th April 1919 read, approved &

Reports			Messrs Banks & Coffey reported on the Stockport
		match, the result being 1-0 for this Club.
			Mr. R. T. Francis reported re the Home fixture
		the result being 3-2 for the Reserves.

Finance			It was reported that the Gross Gate on Saturday
		last was £7.16.10, & Cheques were ordered to be
		signed as follows:-
		     Collector of Customs & Excise Tax		£1.19.0
		     W. J. Sawyer a/c of wages &c.		75. 0.0
			The Bank Balance was declared to be
		£2,682.1.7 Dr.

Team			Resolved that Teams for Saturday next
Selections	be selected as follows:-
		v Stockport County:- Mitchell
			   Thompson	Robinson
			Fleetwood    Wareing	Grenyer
		  Miller  Jefferis  Chedgzoy  Clennell  Harrison
		Reserves:- Page, Williams, Gault, Peacock &