294 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Aston Villa 1-1, Port Vale 2-1, Formby Trinity 2-1. Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare again reported most favorably Davison (Durham) on this player & thought he was well worth keeping in view for next season. Ingles Mr. J. Craig's report was read & it (Raith Rovers) was agreed that he watch this player again. Welsh Trial Messrs Clayton & Secy. reported that there were no players in this match of any use to us except S. Davies (P.N.E.). Scottish League The deputation to this match reported v Irish League that none of the Irish players were of use to us. Knight An application from this man (who was a limbless sailor) to make collections on the ground was refused. Alford Secy. reported that this player had now been signed on at transfer fee of £450. Wages £5 to end of present season. C. Parry Letters were read from the Mayor & Vicar of Oswestry that this old player was in a bad state of health & asking for financial assistance. It was decided to grant a donation of £10.10.0. Property Repairs It was agreed that we do all structural repairs to Goodison Av. & Gwladys St. property. Use of Ground Secy. reported that L'pool University had accepted Feby 16th for their match v Manchester University. Crossley Secy. reported that this player was desirous of interviewing the Board re his taking over a licence near Walsall. It was agreed that he attend the next meeting.