26 J. Smith Ordered that the Boots used by Joseph Smith be forwarded to the West Bromwich Albion Club. Bootle League Resolved that the application of the Bootle Football League to use Goodison Park for their final tie for the League Cup be not entertained. Resolved:- That Mr. W.J. Yeoman be informed that we are endeavouring to arrange a match for the Blinded Soldiers & Sailors, & if successful the Directors will be pleased to receive his £5 donation to the object. That the Liverpool Union of Boys' Clubs be permitted to play their Senior Cup tie, only, at Goodison Park, say on the 28th or 29th April. That Sergt. J. Roberts be informed that this Club do not wish to re - sign him next Season. That the final of the Liverpool Secondary Schools Shield be played on their Clubs' ground any Wednesday prior to the International Match. Transfer Ordered that the following Transfers be approved:- Jas. Joseph Mahon to William Robert Clayton 1 fully paid Share No. 2356, 1 partly paid Share No. 186 Charles E. Dickinson & another to John Borthwick - 1 fully said share No. 2425 1 partly - do - No. 739 Charles E. Dickinson to Wm. Antrobus 1 fully paid share no. 2199 1 partly - do - no. 683. John Alfred Lee to Wm. Shakeshaft 1 fully paid share No. 2353 1 partly - do - No. 407 Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 8/4/1919.