287 Exeter City F.C. The Secy. reported receipt of telegram asking if we were prepared to transfer B. H. Baker temporarily & that he had replied that we could not consider it. Action confirmed. Photographs It was decided to order 14 photos of the team taken by Mr. A. Wilkes at W. Bromwich. Fleetwood F.C. An appeal having been received from this club it was decided to contribute £1 to their funds. L'pool University An application from this University for use of ground for match v Leeds University was received. It was agreed to offer them the 2nd, 9th or 16th Feby. Welsh F.A. The Secy. reported that O. Williams Trial Match had been selected to play in this match at Wrexham on 22nd inst. Groundsman The Secy. reported that he had engaged J. Fortune an ex-soldier to assist generally on the ground at £2.10.0 per week. Action confirmed. Postponed League The Secy. reported that owing to our Match having to play in F.A. Cup on 29th inst. our away matches v Manchester City had had to be postponed. It was decided to offer them Wed. Feb. 2nd. 3rd Party Insurance A letter was read from Messrs Gledhill & Son that the premium in this case had been increased from £20 to £25. It was agreed to pay same. N. E. League It was decided to nominate to W. J. Kirsopp Central League & W. Brown for positions in this match. Cambrian Coast An application from this League League to send team to play them was not entertained.