280 Froggatt(C.H.) It was reported that the Secy. had Holland(O.L.) arranged to give these two players from Sheffield a trial on Sat. next. Action confirmed. Alford A letter was read from the Barrow F.C. re our arranging to obtain work for this player. Decided that they be written to that we were making enquiries. Stroud A letter was read from the Boscombe F.C. re this player. G. W. Jones A application from the Sunderland F.C. re this players transfer was not entertained. Welsh Trials It was decided to forward name of O. Williams for position in these matches. W. Robinson This player was granted leave of absence on 27th inst. Amateur ) The Secy. reported that he had County Matches ) nominated B. Howard Baker & J. E. Blair to the Lancashire F.A. for these matches. Action Confirmed. Team Selections The Following teams were selected:- v Woolwich Arsenal (h) 25th inst. v do (a) 27th inst.) Same as v Southport (a) 25th inst.) previous week v do (h) 27th inst.) The selection of the A teams was left in hands of Mr. Kirkwood. Director to Southport Mr. Gibbins. do to London Messrs Coffey, Gibbins & Green. Weller A telegram was read from the Brighton & Hove F.C. asking if we were prepared to transfer this player & the approximate fee. It was agreed that we ask £1500. L'pool Schools This Assocn. were granted the use F. . of the ground on Jany. 3rd for their match with Barrow School boys. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held on Thurs. 30th inst. at 5 pm. Confirmed. 30/12/1920 A. Coffey Chairman