
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park on Tuesday 21st
			December 1920]

		Present	Mr. A. Coffey (Chair)
			" W. R. Clayton	Mr. A. Banks
			" W. J. Sawyer	" E. Green
			" J. G. Davies	" W. C. Gibbins
			Dr. J. C. Baxter.

Minutes			The Minutes of the meeting held on
		the 14th inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Gate receipts v Crewe Alexandra
		on the 18th inst. were reported to be £43.3.4
		Enterts. Tax £10.15.4.
			The Amount received from the N. 
		Wales Coast League for Exs. was £13.2.5.
			The Bank Balance was reported to
		be £12455.2.1. Dr.

Reports of Matches	Reports were received of the matches
		v W. Bromwich 2-1. Crewe Alexandra 6-1 & old
		Xaverians 2-1.

Trainers Report		Trainer Elliott reported all men fit
		except Clennell who had come out of the
		Nursing Home on Saturday.

Reports re Players	Mr. J. Fare reported on his visit to
Moffat) East	Scottish Qualifying Cup Final at Cowdenbeath
McBride) Fife	& that these two men were good players
		especially the former whom he considered
		was worth engaging.
			Resolved that Mr. Fare watch Moffat
		again on Sat. next & if satisfied approach
		the Club for his transfer with powers
		up to £250.