25 Director to} Stockport } Mr A. Coffey Director on Gate " R. T. Francis Next Meeting Ordered that the Next Meeting of the Board be held at the Bradford Hotel on Tuesday next, the 8th April 1919 at 6:15 p.m. Rochdale F.C.} Resolves that Rochdale F.C. be written to & Davies } in regard to the transfer of player Davies of Chirk. A. Grenyer It was reported that Alan Grenyer had sustained bereavement by the Drowning of his elder Brother, & as a consequence it was question -able whether or not he would play in the Inter League match at Glasgow on the 5th April next. Resolved that the Secretary see Grenyer & inform him that this Board consider that he should play in the Inter League game if the funeral of his brother does not take place this week. Inter League Resolved that the Chairman be asked Match to represent this club at the Inter League game at Glasgow on Saturday next. Brentford A letter was read from Brentford F.C. F.C. re playing a friendly match for Charity on the 3rd May next. Resolved that Glasgow Rangers be approached with a view to their playing at Goodison Park on the 3rd May, & the proceeds of the match be handed over to the St. Dunstan's Fund for Blinded Soldiers & Sailors, or if the Scotch Club prefer it, the Gate be divided in equal moieties, their proportion to be dealt with by them for their own local Charity, & that of this Club to go to the St. Dunstan fund. In the event of a refusal, the Brentford Club be invited to come to Liverpol on the 3rd May 1919 to play a Charity game.