277 W. H. Lawson The Secy. reported that this player had now been released from his agreement & that he had handed him his transfer papers. action confirmed. W. Brown An application having been received from St. Mirren F.C. for this player, Secy. reported that he had informed them we were not likely to part with him. Alford The Secy. reported that this player had refused to sign on for us unless he was guaranteed a situation with the Tramways Co. L'pool Schools F.A. An application from this Assocn. for use of ground on 8th Jany. was deferred. Kirsopp It was decided that this player be paid the balance of his benefit money. N. J. D. & D. S. & S. The Secy. reported that the collection on Sat. last amounted to £33.5.0. The Board decided to make the amount of to £40. 3rd party Insurance A letter was read from the Commercial Union Assurance Co. stating that an inspection of the Stands should be made before the Policy could be reviewed. It was agreed to ask them to get their Surveyor to do this for which we would pay expense and that in the meantime to send them a cheque for premium of £20 & to ask them for a covering note until matter was settled. M. Jones Secy. reported that this player had died & that he had on behalf of the Club forwarded a floral tribute & letter of sympathy. Players to Watch It was decided that Mr. J. Fare proceed to Belfast on Sat. next to watch the Linfield players if there was a match.