276 Advertisement A letter was read from Messrs Allen & Sons Hoarding Ld. asking as to their security of tenure before spending a lot of money on repairs. It was agreed that Secy. inform them that there was little likelihood of their being disturbed for some little time. Xmas Boxes It was agreed that the whole of the Staff receive an amount equal to 1 week's wages & that each professional be allowed to purchase a present up to the value of £2 on receipt being produced. Match v It was decided that if players Arsenal ) desired they were to be allowed to stay over Boxing night in London at Club's Expense. Bannion The Secy. reported his offer to Chrichtons F.C. re this player & Mr. Gibbins stated he had seen their Secy. who asked that the offer be increased to £200. Decided to adhere to our original offer. Bonuses Dr. Baxter having given notice, he proposed & Mr. Green secd that the Minute passed by Board on 2nd ult. re this matter be rescinded & this was carried. G. W. Jones Secy. reported that the Sheffield United F.C. had again approached us re this player who however had decided he would not go there. W. Stroud The Secy. reported that the Boscombe F.C. had made enquires re this player and that he had informed them of the circumstances stating we would be prepared to grant his F.A. transfer & loan him to them but that we would retain his league transfer. They would bring the matter before their Committee.