275 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 14th December 1920] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " J. Sawyer Mr. H. Banks " E. Green " W. R. Clayton " J. G. Davies " W. C. Gibbins Dr. J. C. Baxter " R. T. Francis Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 6th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate receipts v M'bro on 11th inst. were reported to be gross £1681.10.6. Enterts. Tax £351.13.6 20% M'bro F. C. £195.19.0 ½% Football League £6.15.5. The 20% from M'bro was reported to be £44.8.5 " ½ gate from Chester do do £18. 15. 5 The Bank Balance was £11.309.9.4 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v M'bro 2-1, Rochdale 1-3, Chester 2-1 & N. Wales Coast League 1-0. Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare reported favorably on this Male (Heswall) player, but there was a doubt as to his soundness. Decided to make further inquires. Dand) Armadale Mr. J. Craig reported that Dand was Anderson) a splendid right half back, but that Anderson (F.B.) did not impress. It was decided that Secy. Proceed to see the Armadale people regarding Whyte & Dand. Parker Macdonald It was agreed to allow these players & Brown ) leave of absence from after match on Sat. next until following Thursday morning. Trainer's Report Trainer Elliott reported all players fit except Clennell. Secy. reported that Peacock was suffering from a cold & was going to see Dr.