270 Central League It was reported that Rochdale should match Dec 4th have visited us on the 4th inst. but they being in the E. C. Ties. we had fixed up with Bury. Action confirmed. Alford A letter was read from the Barrow F. C. asking for our maximum offer for this Player. Decided the Chairman Messrs Sawyer & Fare meet the Barrow Secretary at the Bradford Hotel on Wednesday Evening with Powers £500. Druids A letter was read from this Hospital Hospital asking for a few wounded soldiers to be admitted to the matches free of charge. Decided to admit 20. Clennell The Chairman reported that this player had broken down again on Saturday last & he had arranged for him to see Dr. McMurry, but the Doctor's report had not been received yet. Income Tax Mr. Clayton reported his interview with Deductions Mr. F. J. Wall in respect to the deduction of income tax from Dividends, & that Mr. Wall had promised to bring the matter before the F. A. Council & with respect to the Season Ticket privileges it was a League ruling. J. Hillman It was decided to grant £2/2/0 to his Fund. testimonial J. Bissett A letter from the Ebbw Vale F. C. asking the amount of this mans transfer was read. Decided to ask £250. Ormskirk & An application was received from this District body re a donation. League Resolved to forward a cheque for £2/2/0 Letters were read from several Clubs etc. thanking the Directors for the use of the Ground. Confirmed 6/12/1920 A. Coffey Chairman