266 W. H. Lawson The Secy. reported that this player had refused to play for the A team on Sat. last. He appeared before the meeting & again stated his intention not to play for the A team. It was therefore decided to give him 14 days notice to terminate his agreement for insubordination. Whitley Bay It was decided that the offer of Mr. M. A. Morgan of Avenue Hotel be accepted viz. 15/- per head per day. Arrangements It was agreed that the team v Sunderland travel on Friday by 2.45 pm. from Exchange & stay overnight at Grand Hotel S'land and leave for Whitley Bay after match. Sutton Commercial A letter from this club was read F. C. asking if we would play match arranged on Xmas morning. This was agreed to. Donations Application for donations from the Birmingham Works A. F. A. & the Industrial Settlements were allowed to lie on the table. Walton District) It was agreed to subscribe £2.2.0 Nursing Assocn.) to the funds of this Association. Use of Ground It was agreed to grant the use of the ground to the L'pool & District Carters & Motormens Union for match on Easter Monday morning. Thompson & A letter from Bristol Rovers F. C. was Weller read asking if we would transfer either or both of these players. It was decided not to part with the former at present but to offer them Weller for £1500. J. Miller This gentleman having applied for permission to sell song cards on the ground it was agreed to grant same to be sold by 6 boys the profits to be handed over to the Industrial School Boys Band.