254 Alder O. L. Mr. Gibbins reported that this player had not played on Sat. but that his substitute had played a very good game. Strachan I. L. Mr. J. Craig reported that these two Dunfermline Jamieson F. B. players played very well & were very promising. Cowdenbeath Decided that he see them again. E. Salt Messrs Gibbins & Secy. reported that they had signed this goalkeeper on at £5 per week with £10 Bonus & at a transfer fee of £350. Action confirmed. Marine v Buckley Messrs Clayton & Davies reported that they had witnessed this replayed Cup tie & spoke favorably of the left back of the latter team who should be seen again. McLachlan Secy. was instructed to make enquiries (Aberdeen) if Aberdeen were now prepared to part with this player. C. L. match v Secy. reported that the match fixed Tranmere Rovers for 20th inst. was postponed on a/c of E. Cup tie. Parker Enquiries having been received from Derby County, Clyde & St. Mirren F.C.s re this player, Secy. was instructed to inform them he would be playing at Bradford next Sat. G. Brewster Letter read from the F.A. stating that this player had been suspended for one month from 2nd inst. He was allowed to go home on leave for a week. McGuire The Secy. was instructed to enquire (Belfast Distillery) if this player could be obtained on a month's trial. 16 Gwladys St. Agreed to allow the tenant (M. McKay) to have electric light laid on at his own expense. L'pool Senior Cup Secy. reported that we had been drawn against L'pool in this competition.