253 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 2nd November 1920] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " W. R. Clayton Mr. H. Banks " R. T. Francis " G. Green " W. J. Sawyer " W. C. Gibbins Mr. J. G. Davies Minutes The Minutes of Directors and Finance Committee meetings held on the 25th ult. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate receipts v Liverpool on 30th inst. were reported to be £3551.4.8. Enterts. Tax £732.19.9. 20% L'pool F.C. £400.9.3. & ½% to Football League £13.14.10. The amount received from Liverpool F.C. was £314.16.10. The Bank Balance was reported to be £8,476.16.2 Dr. Scottish League The Chairman reported that this v match had been postponed owing to fog. Irish League Reports re Players Messrs Green & Sawyer reported that they Hoddinott considered Hoddinott (C. F.) of Watford was hardly Jack good enough for us, but that Jack (I. R.) of Plymouth Argyle showed good form. Wilson (Lancaster) Messrs Kirkwood & Fare reported that O. L. this player had performed well in E. Cup Tie. v Leyland. Bissett) M'chester Mr. Fare reported that the former Goodwin) United played very poorly & appeared to have lost his form. He stated that Goodwin (C. F.) had played very well. Decided to ask M'chester U. if they were prepared to part with him.