251 Hayden Messrs S. D. Peers & A. Fraser reported (Old Xaverians) respectively that these players were of no Stott use to us. (Preston Colliery) Shareholders Stand A complaint by Mr. Oddy regarding overcrowding was gone in to & it was decided to ask him to attend the next meeting. Royal Surgical) It was agreed to allow this Society Aid Society ) to make a collection on the ground on 13th prox. Central League A letter was read from the CL. Bonus stating that Management Committee had agreed to a bonus of 10/- win & 5/- draw & to be retrospective from Aug. 28th. F.A. Report The Secy. read correspondence with re Brewster the F.A. re this player being ordered off. Henderson The Secy. reported that the Rangers Rangers F.C. might consider the question of an exchange with this player for R. Parker. Mr. Clayton agreed to watch him play on 6th prox. J. T. Bissett This player having applied for a reduction of his transfer fee. Secy. was instructed to ask him to get any club desirous of his services to make an offer. Complimentary) Mr. Banks reported that arrangements Tickets ) had been made for a new turnstile to be placed in the 3/6 stand to admit these ticket holders. Trainer's Report The trainer reported all players fit except Clennell & Wall. Bissett The Secy. was instructed to enquire (M'chester U) if the club were prepared to part with this player. Leyland v Lancaster It was decided that Messrs Fare & Kirkwood watch this E. Cup replay. Alder Also that Mr. Gibbins watch this (Barrow) player on Sat. next at S. L'pool.