250 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Monday 25th October 1920.] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " H. Banks Mr. W. J. Sawyer " E. Green " W. R. Clayton " J. G. Davies " W. C. Gibbins Minutes The Minutes of Directors & Finance Committee meetings held on the 19th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The Gate receipts v Liverpool Res. on the 23rd inst. were reported to be £155.13.4 gross Enterts. Tax £38.12.6. The Bank Balance was reported to be £11238.7.10 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v L'pool 0-1, v L'pool Res. 1-4 & S. L'pool 1-1. Wadsworth It was decided that Messrs Green, Sawyer & the Secy. proceed to Nelson on Thurs. next to try & secure this player's transfer. Salt Mr. J. Fare reported that this man was worth signing on & a letter was read from the Talbotstead club asking a transfer fee of £600. It was agreed that Messrs Sawyer, Gibbons & Secy. proceed to Walsall on Friday next to sign him on best terms possible. White A report was read from Mr. J. Craig (Armadale) stating that this player was a very likely young back & he also reported favorably on the two East Fife backs. Decided they be seen again. Vincent Letter read from Mr.E. Belshaw re (Durham) this player. Agreed that he sees him in the near future.