22 H. Cooke The Secretary reported that H. Cooke had declined the offer of the Board to appoint him as Assistant Groundsman temporarily at £2.10.0 per Week. Painting Resolved that in view of the shortness of time, the estimates for Painting be dealt with by the Grounds Committee, & that they be empowered to open & accept the Tender for the work. A. Grenyer Resolved that Player Grenyer be given the privilege of working & residing in his native place during the pleasure of the Board, that he be asked to give an undertaking in writing that he will return to Liverpool, whenever the Directors require him so to do. Team Ordered that Teams be selected for Selection Saturday Next as follows:- 1st Team:- Mitchell Smith Robinson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Chedgzoy Jefferis Gault Clennell Kirsopp Reserves:- Thompson, Rigsby, Miller. Reserves Team:- Lawson. J. Page Pearson Peacock Mines Pounds G. W. Jones Howarth Basson Baker Evans Reserves:- Fern, Owen, Williams, Carty. Director to Rochdale:- Mr A. Coffey. do on Gate:- " R. T. Francis. Next Meeting Ordered that the Next Meeting of the Board be held on Monday 31st inst. at the Bradford Hotel at 6.30 pm. Woolwich Resolved that Woolwich Arsenal be asked Arsenal F. C. to pay something on a account of the Amount due to this Club in order that the legal rights of the Company be secured.