247 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 19th October 1920] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " W. R. Clayton Mr. H. Banks Dr. J. C. Baxter " E. Green Mr. W. C. Gibbins " J. G. Davies Minutes The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11th Octr. were read & confirmed. Finance The Secy. reported that the gate receipts v Huddersfield Town on the 16th inst. were £3,160. 7.0 gross. Enterts. Tax £648.10.0 20% to Huddersfield Town £354. 3.1 & ½% to Football League £12. 5.10. The amount received from Huddersfield Town was £182. 6.9 & Half gate from Rainhill Recs. £1. 8. 4. The Bank Balance was reported to be £10,889. 0. 9 Dr. Reports of Reports were received of the matches Matches v Huddersfield Town 0-0, Huddersfield Town Res. 0-1 & Rainhill Recs. 2-3. Trainer's Report The Trainer reported the whole of the players fit except Brewster who was to be examined by Doctor again on Friday & Clennell who had now commenced training. Salt (G. K.) Messrs Green & Fare reported favorably or Talbot Stead this player and it was decided they see him again next Saturday & if satisfied to endeavour to secure his transfer. Muirhead Secy. reported that the Rangers F.C. were not prepared to part with this player. Rankine & Ferguson He also reported similarly that the