245 Mehaffy Letters were read re this player (Belfast Celtic) and it was resolved that Secy. endeavour to get him for a month's trial. Salt (G. K.) Mr. Kirkwood reported on his visit Talbot Stead to Walsall that the players of the Talbot Stead F.C. were of no use to us with the exception of Salt (goalkeeper) whom he strongly recommended. Decided that Messrs Green & Fare watch him on Sat. next & if satisfied to approach the club. Fraser It was decided to offer to engage this player at £4 per week. Shareholders ) Letter was read from the League Season Tickets) with instructions regarding endorsement of new Share Certificates. Resolved that same lie on table. Band The Chairman reported on his interview with the Master of the Nautical Training School Band of Heswall & it was decided to engage same for our L'pool match on 30th inst. Crump Testimonial Decided that Mr. Clayton see Mr. McKenna & report. Prices for ) It was agreed to make no increase L'pool Match) for admission to this match. Electric Lighting It was decided to accept the tender of Messrs Chetter & Son (£32.7.6) for the lighting of Turnstiles. House Property Mr. Sawyer explained that the property was a loss to the Coy. at present rentals & it was decided that the tenants be given 4 weeks notice to increase the rent. Shareholders ) Mr. Banks explained the position re Stand) complaint of overcrowding & it was decided to make no alteration, but that an extra Commissionaire be engaged to prevent B tickets going to A Stand.