243 Team Selections The following teams were selected v Huddersfield (a) 9th Octr. Fern Downs Macdonald Fleetwood Brewster Grenyer Chedgzoy Kirsopp Peacock Reid Harrison Res. - Jones, Weller. v Huddersfield Res. (h) 9th Octr. Mehaffy or Mitchell Fare Thompson Garrett Farrer Williams Jardine Crossley Parker Fraser Smith v A Team Cann Stroud Rooney Lawson Leivesley Barlow Howarth Spencer Kearslake Pollock Rigby Res. - Furlong. Director to } Huddersfield } Mr. W. C. Gibbins Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Monday 11th inst. at 7:30 p.m. Confirmed Octr. 11th 1920 A. Coffey Chairman