
J. H. Galt		An application having been received
		from this player it was agreed to grant him
		a free transfer to Third Lanark F.C.

S. Brandreth		It was agreed to take an indemnity
		from this gentleman and accept him as
		shareholder in place of his father J. Brandreth, decd

Transfer of Shares	The transfer of 3 Shares No. 813 - 815 from
		the Exors. of late T. Orrell to H.S. Jones was approved.

Repairs to}		It was agreed to grant Mr. C. R. Harris
ground	  }	the sum of £30 in addition to his account
		for work done, it having been reported
		that he had made an error in his contract.

Prescot F.C.		It was agreed to make a grant of
		£10 to funds of this club re P. Farrer.

Leivesley		It was decided to ask Dr. Baxter
		to make a careful examination of this player.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Blackburn Rovers (h) 2 Oct.
			   Downs	Macdonald
		      Fleetwood    Brewster	Grenyer
		Chedgzoy   Kirsopp   Peacock   Crossley   Harrison

		v Sheffield U. (a) 4th Oct.
		  Same as above			Reid reserve

		v Blackburn Rovers Res. (a) 2nd Oct.
			Fare		Thompson
		     Garrett	Weller		Williams
		Janes	Reid	Parker	Fraser	Connor or Smith
		Res. - Robinson.

Next Meeting		Ordered that next meeting be held
		at ground on Tuesday 5th inst. at 7 p.m.
				Oct 5th 1920	A. Coffey