232 this player for the season or for a month's trial & if satisfactory the transfer fee to be £1.250. Decided matter stand over at present. McGloughlin The Secy. reported on his interviews Kirkland ) with the Shelbourne F.C. officials in Dublin at which he had offered £1200 transfer fee for these players provided they were satisfactory after a fortnight's trial. He reported that they were bringing the matter before whole of their Committee & would inform us the decision. Jardine Mr. Fare reported that he had seen this player & in his opinion he was well worth signing on. Agreed that Mr. Sawyer & Secy. visit Farndon on Friday next & interview D. Jardine Senr. Hodgson (F.B. Mr. Fare reported that the player Hightown) showed great promise & it was decided that himself & Mr. Kirkwood should see him again. Halsall Mr. Fare reported that he had watched this player again, but that he considered he was scarcely good enough for us at present. Binks Letters were read from Mr. E. Belshaw (Bp Auckland) re this player. Secy. stated that he would make arrangements to have this player watched in the near future. Resignations Mr. Green proposed & Mr. Banks seconded the following resolution which was carried:- That it be placed on record, that a circular having been issued to the Shareholders of this Coy. prior to the Annual General Meeting 1920, and signed by W. R. Clayton (Chairman) John Davies, A Halsall, J. G. Davies