229 Sheldon O.L. Mr. Fare reported that this player (Willington) had not shown very good form on Sat., but that Jardine (O.R.) of Wrexham was a very promising player. It was decided that Mr. Fare watch the latter again next Saturday. Match v It was decided that the Kick Sheffield U. off in this match on the 22nd inst. be fixed for 5.15. Shelbourne A letter was read from this club Players ) stating that the transfer fees required for their players were as follows:- Walsh (Goalkeeper) £1500, McGloughlin (Fullback) £1200 & Kirkland (Forward) £500. It was decided that the Secy. proceed to Dublin to interview the Club officials with power to offer £1200 for the two latter provided we could get them on a fortnights trial. L. Evans The Secy. was instructed to wire this player to meet the Chairman in Ramsey on Wed. next. Football League A letter was read from Mr. C. E. Sutcliffe & Shareholders Tkt. on this matter which was left for the present in the hands of the Secy. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of Shares was approved: Charles Hawkes to J. A. Lee 3 Nos. 1007 to 1009. A team Manager It was agreed to engage Mr. D. Kirkwood to this position & assist re players generally at a Salary of £4 per week. Fraser The Secy. reported that he had agreed for this player to come down from N'cle on trial. Downs Secy. reported that this player was