225 Staff Wages The wages of the Staff were reviewed & it was decided to make increases as follows:- T. H. McIntosh Secy. from £4.50 to £500 a year. J. Elliott Trainer " £4.10.0 to £6 per week. H. Cooke do " £4. 0.0 t0 £5 " " W. Weston Groundsman " £4. 5.0 to £5 " " J. Smith do " £3.10.0 to £4 " " E. Storey do " £3.10.0 to £4 " " Mrs. Roberts Cleaner &c." £1. 7.6 to £2 " " H. Barker " £0.12.6 to £1 " " H. Burnison Letter was read from the Hon. Sec. of (Distillery) Distillery F.C. re this player, but it was decided to see him play again on 25th Septr. Bootle Albion It was decided to make this Club a donation of £10. Whitley Bay It was agreed that the team stay at Avenue Hotel. Whitley Bay after match at N'cle on 8th inst. until Sat. morning 11th inst. Shelbourne F.C. The Secy. read correspondence with this Players ) Club and it was decided to await their further reply. Chancery Court It was decided that the action Action ) W. C. Gibbins & Ors. v E.F.C. Co. Ld. be withdrawn the Company to pay the whole of the costs. A. Coffey A. Coffey Fleetwood An application from the Manchester United F.C. for this player's transfer was not entertained. Team Selection The following teams were selected: - v N'cle United (a) 8th Sept. Fern Downs Macdonald Fleetwood Brewster Grenyer Chedgzoy Kirsopp Parker Crossley Harrison Res. Weller