
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park Liverpool on
			Monday 6th Septr. 1920]

		Present	Mr. A. Coffey (Chair)
			Mr. H. Banks		Mr. T. Francis
			"   W. R. Clayton	"   W. C. Gibbins
			"   E. Green		"   W. J. Sawyer
				Dr. J. C. Baxter.

Minutes			The Minutes of the Meeting held on
		the 30th Augt. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Gate receipts v Newcastle United
		on 1st Septr. were reported to be £2139.13.3 gross
		Entertainments Tax £453.17.10, 20% N'cle £261.1.3 &
		½% Football League £8.3.7.
			v Bradford on 4th Septr. £2665.19.10 Gross
		Tax £556.5.11, 20% Bradford £306.15.9 & ½%
		League £10.6.1
			The 20% of gate at Bradford on 28th 
		ult. was reported to be £126.10.4 and
		the ½ net gate v Burscough Rangers on 4th
		inst. was £6.18.5.
			The Bank Balance was reported to be £12,500.3.3 Dr.

Reports of	)	Reports were received of the matches
Matches		) v Aston Villa Res. 3-0, Bradford 1-1,
		M'chester U. Res. 3-1 & Burscough R. 1-7.

Bentley			Mr. J. Fare reported that on his
(Crewe)		display at Stockport last Sat. this player
		was not good enough for us.

Transfer of	)	The following transfers of shares were
	Shares	) approved.
		Jessie Milroy	to	Thos. A. Cole 2 shares No. 2404 & 603
		E. B. Gardner	to	Griffith Jones 3 do Nos.  1655 - 1657

League of	)	An application from this body to make a
Blind		) collection was allowed to lie on the table