220 Reports of Reports were received of the matches Matches v Bradford (a) 3-3 Manchester A. Res. (h) 5-3 & Marine (a) 0-6. Report re Mr. J. Fare reported that he had seen Players H. Burneson (Distillery) play at Glenavon on Saturday, but stated that although a good back, he appeared to be lame. It was decided that he be seen again. Shelbourne F.C. The Secy. reported that he had been Players recommended to Walsh (Goal) McLaughlin (Back) & Kirkland (Forward) of this Club and that he was endeavouring to get to know the transfer fees required. Distributing Bills It was decided that J. Smith distribute the Bills for this week, but that the matter be brought up again at next meeting. McLachlan The Secy. reported that this player (Aberdeen) had now signed for Aberdeen. Blair J. It was decided to take as further (Sheff. Wed.) action re this player. Wounded Soldiers An application from the Ministry of Pensions for free admission for wounded & pensioned soldiers to matches was read. The Secy. was instructed to ask how many there were, and in the meantime to admit 50 the same as L'pool F.C. were doing. Shareholders The Secy. read the League minute Season Tickets with regard to the privileges enjoyed by share holders, and he was instructed to ask the League what our legal position was. Representatives It was agreed to nominate the on L'pool County F.A. following Directors for seats on County F.A. Vice President Mr. W. R. Clayton Member of Council " W. J. Sawyer