
				[Meeting of Directors held at
				Goodison Park, Liverpool on
				Monday	30th Augt. 1920]

		Present	Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair pro tem)
			" A. Coffey	Mr. H. Banks
			" J. G. Davies  "  E. Green
			" R. T. Francis "  W. C. Gibbins
				Mr. W. J. Sawyer.

Minutes			The Minutes of the meetings held on
		the 13th & 16th Augt. & Extra ordinary General Meeting
		of 27th Augt. & Finance Committee meeting of 16 Augt.
		were read & confirmed.

Election of		Mr. A. Coffey was elected Chairman
Chairman	and on taking the Chair thanked his
		colleagues for the honour they had done him
		and at same time Welcomed the new members
		of the Board.

Election of		The following sub committees were
Sub-Committees	elected:-
		     Finance -  Messrs W. J. Sawyer (Chair) R. T. Francis
				W. C. Gibbins & E. Green
				Mr. W. R. Clayton was also proposed but
		was not elected.
		     Ground -   Messrs H. Banks (Chair) R. T. Francis
				E. Green & W. J. Sawyer.
		     Stores & Advts. Messrs W. C. Gibbins (Chair) E. Green
				H. Banks & Dr. J. C. Baxter.

Finance			The Secy. reported that the gate receipts
		for practice matches were		 £ . s.d
				Aug. 16			327.12.0
				 "   21			506. 2.6

			Cheques were presented & signed as follows:-
		  Entertainments Tax			£ 39. 1.4
		  Wages & Exs.				£350. 0.0
		  T. H. McIntosh Salary			£ 37.10.0