19 v Prescot, away:- Fern Thompson Pearson Peacock Carwick O. Williams G. W. Jones, McQuarrie, Basson, Baker, Evans Reserves:- Kelly, Carly & Howarth. Director on Gate:- Mr. H. Banks. Director to Prescot:- Mr. A. Coffey. Ground The Chairman read a report received Committee from the Chairman of the Grounds Committee, of an inspection made of the Ground, buildings and other property of the Co., from which it appeared that there were not apparent dangerous defects, but recommending repairing & painting fencing, erection of further crush barriers, Painting & cleaning of the Offices, Board & Billiard Rooms, Counting House & passages connected therewith, also the provision of new wire screens, another wheelbarrow, & a Handcart the present wire barriers to be repaired. Resolved that the report be approved & the recommendations adopted. Also that estimates be obtained from various firms for the painting & wire screens. H. Cooke Resolved that H. Cooke, Assistant Trainer, be offered the sum of £2.10.0. per week, for the temporary position of assistant Groundsman. Victory Letter was read from the Football Assocn. International London confirming the decision to house the Victory International Match, England v Scotland at Goodison Park, on the 26th April next & the Secretary reported that he had that day met Messrs. McKenna & Kingscott, the Members of the Finance Committee deputed to take charge of the arrangements for the match, & had taken their instructions as to the necessary detail work.