
				[Extra-ordinary General Meeting
				of Shareholders held at the
				Central Hall. Renshaw St. L'pool
				on Friday 27th Augt. 1920]

		Present	Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) Messrs A. Coffey
			E. Green, J. G. Davies, R. T. Francis (Directors)
			and a large number of share holders.

Notice			The Secy. read the notice convening
		the meeting.

Press			It was agreed that the Press be
			The Chairman proceeded to address
		the Shareholders on the position of the club
		but Mr. W. C. Cuff rose to a point of order
		and proposed that the business of electing
		the Directors be proceeded with.

Election of 		Mr. W. C. Cuff proposed & Mr A. K. Wade seconded
Directors	that the election be by ballot & this was
		carried. Voting them took place & resulted
		as below. The following Scrutineers were
		appointed Messrs Cuff, Davies, Rowlands
		Russell, Wallace & Guthrie.
			Result of Voting
			  Mr. H. Banks		431
			  "   W. J. Sawyer	420
			  "   W. C. Gibbins	416
			  "   H. Halsall	245
			  "   Jno. Davies	230
		The Chairman therefore declared Messrs Banks,
		Sawyer & Gibbons duly elected.

					W. R. Clayton
					30/8/20  Chairman