217 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Monday 16th August 1920] Present Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) Mr. A. Coffey Mr. E. Green " J. G. Davies " R. T. Francis Teams The following teams were selected for Final Public Practice match on Sat. 21st inst. Fern Thompson McDonald Fleetwood Brewster Grenyer Jones Wall Peacock Howarth Harrison Reid Crossley Parker Kirsopp Chedgzoy Williams Farrer Weller Robinson Stroud Mitchell Welsh Letter read from this player that he was signing for Johnstone F. C. Secy. was instructed to ask if he had free transfer. T. Bennett's Mr. G. Patterson Secy. L'pool F.C. having Benefit applied for permission to have the services of Downs, Fleetwood, Grenyer & Clennell for proposed match on 27th Sept. same was granted. Player's Picnic It was decided to accept the offer of the New Brighton Motor Co. of 18/- per head for use of 2 charabancs & Secy. was instructed to obtain prices for lunches & teas. Practice Matches Secy. reported that a private practice match was being held on Wed. next & it was agreed to have a further one the following week. Confirmed. W. R. Clayton 30/8/20 Chairman