
			[Meeting of Directors held at 
			Goodison Park, Liverpool on Friday
			13th August 1920]

		Present	Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair)
			" A. Coffey	Mr. E. Green
			" J. G. Davies	" R. T. Francis

			The Minutes of the Meetings held
		on 30th July & 9th inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Bank Balance was reported
		to be £17.394.14.0 Dr.

Teams			The following teams were selected for
		Practice match on 16th inst.
			Downs		McDonald
		Fleetwood	Brewster	Grenyer
		Jones	Wall	Peacock	Crossley	Reid

		Harrison	Clennell	Parker	 Kirsopp	Chedgzoy
		Garrett		Leivesley	Weller
			Freeman		Thompson

Complimentary		The list of these were gone through
& Press Tickets and amended from last season.

Accident in		A letter was read from the
Gwladys St.	Commercial Union Insurance Co. stating that
		they had settled Mr. McKays claim for
		£25 & £4.4.0 costs. This was approved.

Players			It was decided to issue each
Tickets	)	player with 2 complimentary season tickets.
		1 for Gent. & 1 for Lady.

City Caterers 		It was agreed to let this firm the
		right to sell refreshments on the ground
		for £30 & 10% of Cafe receipts for next season
		and for them to carry out the proposed