210 Result The Chairman reported that the result of of the Poll taken on 21st of July last Poll showed a majority against the Resolution in this connection , he reported that he had seen Solicitors, who advised that there are two courses open in connection with the Election of Directors to fill the vacancies on the Board. a. To go to Court & obtain Directions. b. To act on a requisition from the members to hold a Special Meeting for the purpose. The Chairman reported that he had received a requisition from Shareholders holding 287 Shares. in the following terms. We the undersigned members of the above named Company holding in the aggregate not less than one tenth of the issued Capital of the Company do hereby, in pursuance of the provisions in this behalf & continued in Section 66 of the (Companies) Consolidation Act 1908, require you to convene an Extraordinary General meeting of the Company for the object following That is to say. "To Proceed with the election of Directors which should have taken place at the Annual Meeting held on July 2nd last."