Everton Football Club Company, Ltd. ------------------ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, JUNE, 1920. ----------- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. DEAR SIR, A Poll having been duly demanded at the General Meeting held on Friday last on the Resolution:- "That, having regard to the regrettable mistake of the Auditor re- sulting in numerous Shareholders being late with their Proxies, the Election of Directors to fill the vacancies on the Board, be dealt with at a Special Meeting of the Company, of which due notice shall be given to every member." I do therefore, as Chairman of such Meeting, appoint WEDNESDAY, the 21st day of JULY instant, between the hours of 6-30 and 9-30 in the evening, at the COMMON HALL, HACKINS HEY, for the purpose of taking such Poll. And I appoint Mr. HERBERT BOWLER, the Company's Auditor, to assist me as Scrutineer in taking such Poll. I would request every Shareholder to attend personally and exercise his powers of voting on the above Resolution. Should the Resolution be carried you will receive a subsequent notice of the time and place of the Special Meeting for the Election of Directors, which is proposed. I am, yours obediently, W. R. CLAYTON Chairman.