
McLachlan		A letter from Mr. Phillips in respect to
		this Player was read.

Carney			The Clerk stated that this Player was
		prepared to come & play 4 weeks Trail at £3
		per week.		not entertained.

Farrar			Full Back Prescot F.C. Resolved to give
		this Player a trial in the Practice matches.

Ormerod, O'Docherty
Harrison		Letters were read from these Players with
		respect to engagements,	no action.

J. Phillips		Letters were read asking for a Donation
		toward the St. Helens Juvenile F.C.
			Resolved to forward cheque for £5.

League Linesmen		Mr. Clayton reported that Messrs Stewart &
		Williams had been nominated as League
		  Linesmen.		Action Confirmed.

Ware house &
General Workers		Mr. Clayton read a letter from the Secretary
Union		asking for permission for any of our Players to
		compete at their Sports if they so desired.
					W. R. Clayton
					July 30th 1920