207 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday July 20th 1920.] Present Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) Dr. J. C. Baxter, Mr. R. T. Francis or Mr. J. G. Davies. Minutes of meetings Directors June 15th, Extra ordinary June 25, General Annual Meeting July 20 1920 were read and confirmed. Bank overdraft Mr. Clayton Explained the position with respect to the Overdraft. Resolved that same be left over till the next meeting. Accident Gwladys Sheet Mr. Clayton explained the nature of the accident & his interview with the representative of the Insurance Company who pointed out that the Club was not covered by their Policy, but that if they could be of any assistance in arranging a settlement, their services were at our disposal. Resolved that the matter be left in the hands of Mr. E. Gledhill to settle the matter on the best possible terms. 3rd Party Insurance Resolved that a Policy be taken out covering the Company's Property. Season Tickets Tenders were read as below for the Printing of 1000 Season Tickets £. .d. D. Allen & Co. Ltd. 53.8.6 Daily Post & Mercury 35.6.0 C. Tinling & Co. 45.0.0. Resolved that the Tender of the Daily Post & Mercury be accepted, providing that the Quality & Workmanship were equal to the Specimen submitted.