
			[Annual General Meeting of
			Shareholders held at the Central
			Hall, Renshaw St. Liverpool on
			Friday 2nd July 1920 at 7:30 p.m.]

			Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair)
		Messrs H. Banks, A. Coffey, Jno. Davies, J. G. Davies,
		R. T. Francis, E. Green & H. Halsall (Directors)
		& a full quorum of shareholders.

			The Secretary read the notice convening
		the Meeting.

Press			It was agreed that the press be

Accounts & Balance	The Balance Sheet was taken as read.
sheet		) the Secy. read the auditors report.
& Directors Report	The Chairman gave a report on the season's
		working, stating that the season had been
		a phenomenal one, and that the receipts
		were the largest in the history of the Club
		due in a great measure to increased prices
		& increased interest in the game. The lack
		of success from a playing point of view was
		due to the enormous number of injuries to
		players. He explained the reasons for our
		not being able to obtain players.

			On the proposal of the Chairman secd.
		by Mr. Gardner the report & Balance Sheet
		were duly adopted.

Dividend		Mr. Halsall propd. & Mr. Coffey secd. that
		a dividend of 7½% for the year ending 1st
		May 1920 be paid and this was carried.

Election of Directors	Mr. Gardner propd. & Mr. Jones secd. that a
		Special General Meeting be held for the sole
		purpose of electing Directors, but on being
		put to the meeting this was declared lost.