203 Holidays The question if Staff Holidays was left to Mr. Banks & Secy. to arrange. Letters re Players The Secy. read a number of letters re players about whom he had been in negotiation. Bank Overdraft The Chairman reported that he had arranged with the Bank for the Overdraft to be increased to £20,000. Finance The Bank Balance was reported to be £14807.16.1 Dr. A Cheque was presented & signed for W. E. Gault. Percentage of Transfer Fee £113.15.0. Players Benefits The Secy. reported that the League had agreed to benefits being granted to S. Chedgzoy & A. Grenyer as arranged. E. Green The Secy. was instructed to forward on behalf of the Board, a letter of sympathy with this Director in his illness. J. Fare It was decided to appoint Mr. J. Fare as Clerk & to work under the instructions of the Directors at a Salary of £4 per week. Confirmed July 20th 1920 W. R. Clayton Chairman.