200 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday 15th June 1920] Present Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) " H. Banks Mr. J. G. Davies " A. Coffey " H. Halsall " Jno. Davies " R. T. Francis The Minutes of the proceedings at the Meeting held on the 10th & 14th May & Finance Committee held on 10th May were read & confirmed. Annual a/cs. Mr. Herbert Bowler attended and presented the a/cs for the year ending 1st May 1920, making detailed explanations and it was resolved. 1. That the amount due from Sundry Debtors 614.17.2 be valued for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £847.3.6. 2. That a depreciation of 10% be written off all stands hoardings & erections amounting to 635.6.7 £705.18.5. 3. That the amount expended on clothing 351.7.11 material & Stores £471.14.0 be written off the Income & Expenditure a/c. 4. That the Statement of a/cs. Profit & Loss a/c & Balance Sheet be approved. 5. That a Dividend of 7½% on Paid up Capital 5% Free (free of Income Tax) be recommended. Annual Meeting That the Annual Meeting be held on Friday 2nd July next at the Central Hall, Renshaw Street Liverpool at 7:30 p.m. prompt if room is available failing this on Monday 5th July. Admission to the meeting to be on presentation of the Balance Sheets.