198 Linesmen It was decided to nominate Joseph Stewart & Geo. W. Williams as Linesman for Football & Central Leagues for next Season. Gregory A letter was read from this player that he had been retained by Queens Park Rangers F.C. The Secy. was instructed to ask the Club if they were prepared to part with him & if so the amount of Transfer Fee. Blackpool F.C. A circular letter from his Club asking as to the treatment of Players as Capital in Balance Sheets was allowed to tie on the table. O'Doherty It was decided to ask the Blackpool F.C. what transfer fee they were prepared to accept for this players who was on transfer at his own request. Transfer of Shares The transfer of share No. 418 from John Scott Guthrie to James Guthrie was approved. Bank Overdraft It was agreed that the Chairman interview the Bank Authorities with a view to increasing the overdraft to £20,000. Circular to It was proposed & seconded that Shareholders "It having been reported that persons are" "calling upon Shareholders of the Club & asking" "for their proxies to be used at the Annual Meeting" "of the Company & in asking for these proxies are" "making statements which are not in accordance" "with facts, the Chairman be requested to draw" "up a Circular acquainting the shareholders with" "the true position such circular to be circulated" "with proxies, at the expense of those Directors who" "are willing to sign same." Carried. Next Meeting Decided that the question of calling the next meeting be left in the hands of the Chairman. Confirmed W. R. Clayton 15/6/20 Chairman