194 F. Mitchell The Secy. was given power to sign this player on at a wage not exceeding £8 per week. Player signed The Secy. reported that the following player had been re-signed for next season. T. E. Fern £9 per week A. Wall £5 per week R. Downs £9 do J. McGrae £3 do D. Stroud £3 & £4 do R. Parker £9 do R. Thompson £9 do J. Peacock £6 do W. Brown £9 do J. G. Kearslake £3 do T. Fleetwood £9 do J. Clennell £9 do W. Lawson £5 do H. B. Howarth £3 do G. Brewster £9 do G. Harrison £9 do W. Leivesley £6 do C. Crossley £9 do O. Williams £5 do L. C. Weller £8 do G. W. Jones £9 do W. Robinson £4 do H. G. Spencer £3 do J. Macdonald £8 W. H. J. Kirsopp£9 do J. Garratt £4 F. Mitchell £8 Kirsopp The Chairman reported, that on behalf of the Board he had agreed that this player be paid £500 in lieu of a benefit on or before 31st Decr. 1920 and Secy. was instructed to apply to the League for necessary sanction. Chedgzoy &) The Secy. reported that he had offered Grenyer ) these players £9 per week but they had refused to re-sign stating that they were entitled to a second benefit after 10 years continuous service. He had reported both players to the F.A. The Secy. was instructed to write the Football League asking their view on the question of second benefit for these players. W. B. Evans The Secy. reported that this player would not accept the terms offered. It was therefore decided to place him on Transfer list. Free. Dawdon Colliery A letter from this Club asking for a donation was allowed to stand over.