188 Signing on The Secy. reported receipt of following of Players telegram from Football League "Defer signing players for next season until after Management Meeting on Friday next." Next Meeting It was decided to hold a meeting after Burnley Match to select teams for Apl. 26th. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 21/4/20 [Meeting of Directors held at the office, Goodison Park, Liverpool on Saturday 24th April 1920] Present Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) " A. Coffey Mr. H. Halsall " E. Green " H. Banks " J. Davies " J. G. Davies Mr. R. T. Francis at Burnley with Res. Team. Team Selections The following teams were selected:- v Preston N. E. (a) on Apl. 26th. Fern Downs Thompson Brown Fleetwood Grenyer Jones Kirsopp Peacock Howarth Harrison Res. Page, Mayson. v Preston N. E. Res. (a) on Apl. 26th. Bromilow, Bissett, Morris, Lawson, Leivesley, Gutteridge, Chedgzoy, Wall, D. B. Jones, Spencer, Donnachie. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at the office on Tuesday 27th Apl. at 6.30 pm. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 27/4/20