187 Lancashire F. A. It was decided to nominate Mr. Robt. E. Lythgoe for Div. 5 of this Association. Player's Benefits The Secy. was instructed to apply for permission to pay the following players the sum of £500 each in lieu of benefits. T. Fern, G. Harrison, R. Thompson, F. Mitchell L. C. Weller, R. N. Parker & J. Clennell. Ramsey & Gregory} It was decided that Mr. J. Fare Q. Park Rangers } watch these players during the Week end & } Colebourne } & report, also that he watch the left back Exeter City } of Wilsons Athletic at Bootle tomorrow. Birkenhead Hospital} Mr. Healsall reported that he had Cup} arranged for this Cup Final to be played on 13th May. Team Selections The following teams were selected:- v L'pool Res. (h) on Apl. 21st. Mitchell Bissett W. Robinson Lawson Brewster Williams Chedgzoy Wall J. Blair Howarth Donnachie Res. Kearslake. v Burnley (h) on Apl. 24th. Fern Downs Thompson Brown Fleetwood Grenyer Jones Kirsopp Peacock Rigsby Harrison. v Burnley Res. (a) on Apl. 24th Mitchell Bissett W. Robinson Lawson Brewster Williams Spencer Wall Parker Howarth Donnachie Res. Mayson. v Cement Works on Apl. 24th Bromilow Stroud Rooney Smith Stewart Dales Jackson McGrae Williams Kearslake Evans Res. Russell.