182 Reports re Messrs Coffey, Green, Fare & Secy. gave their Players reports on the following players:- White (Albion Rovers), Crosbie (Ayr), Walker (Dumbarton), McDonald (Airdrie). Mr. Halsall reported that there was no likelihood of Leicester City parting with Paterson. Clennell The Secy. reported that this player had gone into Nursing Home today to be operated on. Taylor (Skelmersdale) A letter was read from Mr. Edwards re this player. Kirkdale F.C. An application from this club for match with our A team on our ground was not entertained. Use of ground Applications for use of our ground from L'pool Wed. League, Mill Vale F.C. & Industrial School were refused owing to the heavy programme between now & end of Season. Medal Competition The Secy. was instructed to attend a meeting of the L'pool County F.A. re this Competition on Friday 16th inst. Industrial Schools The Chairman's action in granting North v South use of ground for this match on the 15th inst. was confirmed. Dawdon Colliery F.C. An application from this club for a donation was deferred. St. Helens & Dist. A letter was read from this League League suggesting Apl. 26th for date of match v A team of ours - It was decided in view of our matches with Preston N.E. on that date, to ask them to suggest another. Weller Benefit Secy. was instructed to ask Mr. Wragg to suggest a date during 1st week in May for this proposed benefit match.